Sponsors are a great help!
We want to thank very much all people and companies cooperating with us, understanding that we can and have to do development by ourselves instead of waiting only for governmental reactions.
Those people/companies are....
Sport House Marzuq
11 Sherif Basha Street
Cairo, Egypt
-- > Thank you for providing stylish and up-to-date sportswear and games to the bedouins
World Of Egypt
58 El Hadaba El Shamaliya
Hurghada, Egypt
--> Thank you for cooperation in all fields
Art Media
Giza, Egypt
--> Thank you for advertisement, printmedia supply and logo
We are here to be ready for all what
is coming in the future to develop
a better Egypt - For All Of Us! |
the Governor of 6th October Gvt.,
who gives us the opportunity to be
a valuable part of the society, to improve
life conditions and awareness for the
Future Challenge. |